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Odeysoft - Web Development

Odeysoft - Build your bridges in cyberspace by web design and web development



What is One-Page Website ?

One-page websites are an excellent solution for businesses or individuals looking to create a streamlined online presence. As the name suggests, a one-page website is a single-page website that is designed to communicate all of the necessary information in a concise and effective manner. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and drawbacks of one-page websites.


What we can provide

At our one-page website package, we offer several features to ensure that your website looks great, functions well, and delivers your message effectively. We provide mobile responsive design that will adapt to any screen size, ensuring that your website is accessible to a wider audience. Our easy navigation system allows users to access all of the essential information without having to click through multiple pages. We also focus on quick loading speeds, which means that your website will load faster than multi-page websites, providing a better user experience for your visitors. Finally, our one-page website service is cost-effective, making it a great option for individuals and small businesses who want to establish a strong online presence without breaking the bank. We believe that these features are essential for any one-page website, and we strive to provide the best service possible to our clients.

Mobile Responsive Design

We ensures that your website is accessible to a wider audience and provides a better user experience.


Cost-effective solution for businesses or individuals who want to establish an online presence without breaking the bank.

Quick Loading Speeds

Faster loading time compared to multi-page websites, as they require fewer server requests and reduce the need for complex coding.

Easy Navigation

Clear and straightforward navigation system that allows users to access all of the essential information without having to click through multiple pages


Who will need it ?

One-page websites are ideal for a variety of individuals and businesses. They are particularly useful for small businesses or individuals who need a simple and effective way to showcase their products or services.


Startup Freelancers or individuals

Startup freelancers or individuals who want to showcase their portfolio and services in a simple and effective way can benefit from a one-page website.


Event Organizers

Event organizers who need a website to promote their events and provide relevant information to attendees can benefit from a one-page website.


Small businesses or startups

A one-page website can provide a quick and easy way for small businesses or startups to establish an online presence without investing too much time and money in a full website.


Small scale Non-Profits organization

Non-profit organizations that need a website to communicate their mission, goals, and events can benefit from a one-page website.


Advantage & Disadvantage

Getting to know the advantage or disadvantage will help our client make a better decision
when choosing type of website they need.



One-page websites are easy to navigate and offer a straightforward user experience.

High Conversion Rates

One-page websites can have higher conversion rates than multi-page websites, as they eliminate the need for users to click through multiple pages to find the information they need.


One-page websites are a cost-effective solution for businesses or individuals who want to establish an online presence without breaking the bank.


Limited Content

One-page websites have limited space, which can make it challenging to include all of the necessary information.

Not Suitable for All Businesses

One-page websites are not suitable for all businesses, and those with more extensive content or complex requirements may require a multi-page website.

Limited SEO

One-page websites have limited opportunities for SEO optimization, which can make it challenging to rank well in search engine results.


Our Package

Select the right plan and price to fit your needs and budget.

Best for Personal Portfolio
RM 650
Web Design

3 Section incl nav and footer

Mobile responsiveness (2BP)

5 stock images

Contact Form

Free Basic SEO

1 revision

Best for Agency or Freelancer
RM 750
Web Design

5 Section incl nav and footer

Mobile responsiveness (2BP)

10 stock images

Contact Form

Free Basic SEO

3 revision

Best for Business or Enterprise
RM 850
Web Design

8 Section incl nav and footer

Mobile responsiveness (3BP)

15 stock images

Contact Form

Free Basic SEO

5 revision

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