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Odeysoft Payment
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*Note- one payment/product per purchase and all currency in (RM) 1 USD = 4.7 RM

1. Scan the QR code and make the payment

2. Enter the payment credential & detail in the form
*Make sure you copy and save "Payment ID", we will use it for verification

3. Done ! Your payment will process within 48 hour

*Note: You may contact us at our email or WhatsApp for faster payment processing

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +601 113164116

Payment Information

Payment ID:

Product Name:

Please select an option

Your Name:

Your legit name from the payment

Please enter a valid name !

Your Email:

Please enter a valid email !

Pay Amount:

Please enter a valid payment amount !


The transection ID

Please enter a transection ID
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